Café Frappe

Summer heat is on the rise… To cool off here is delicious combination of chocolate and coffee with vanilla ice cream topped with whipped fresh cream…

                       Café Frappe is often our preferred choice when we visit coffee shops with our pals. Here have tried to re create the Café Frappe which you can have in the comfort of your home.

                  So many important decisions are taken over the coffee…
I decided to get married to The Guy over the coffee in Café Coffee Day.

        So heres the my treat to My Guy with this Café Frappe.. I am sure all of you trying to woo your Guy or Gal can whip up Café Frappe.

Here’s what you need:
·         400 ml cold milk
·         100 ml water
·         2 tbsp instant coffee
·         1 tbsp cocoa powder
·         2 tbsp brown sugar
·         1 scoop vanilla ice cream
·         Whipped cream

Blend all the ingredients except whipped cream in the blender for 2 min till all the sugar dissolves. You will get nice froth. Pour in tall glasses and pipe some fresh whipped cream on the top with a sprinkle of cocoa powder. 
Serves 2 glasses

Enjoy the Cold Coffee and Hot Conversations


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