Quick Microwave Chocolate Cupcakes

Microwave is very fast way to make cakes. Cakes made in microwave taste more steamed than baked. Browning doesn’t occur and crust is not formed. But you can have cake in almost 5 mins & it tastes really good. Whenever you have sudden craving for chocolate or you want to serve quick dessert to your guests, this is a perfect recipe

Today is 7th April.. Neil is 17 month old now… Since neil is born, I have been making cakes for every month birthday till he was 1 year old. We all did have fun having cakes all around the year. I didn’t have Oven then, so all the cakes were made in Microwave. So I decided to make microwave cake today.

Neil has started to talk a bit. He shows us pictures from his board books and calls out their names when he sees the actual thing. Recently he has started saying “cake”. He says it really cutely. He was super excited to see the cake.. He was shouting “cake” “khaaaaa” all around the house, when I was clicking pictures of cakes. Neil also understands most of the things we speak. The other day I told him “आई ला हाक मार ”. He hit me really hard. I was shocked. Then I realized he understood “आई ” & “मार ” , so he acted on them, skipping the words he didn’t understand. So we really have to be very thoughtful when we speak. Its An AMAZING phase, listening & interpreting what Neil says in his own language.

  • 4 tbsp all purpose flour (maida)
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 3 tbsp milk

  • In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder & baking powder with a whisk.
  • Add egg, oil & milk to same bowl.
  • Whisk all together till it forms nice smooth batter.(avoid the temptation to lick the whisk)
  • Pour the batter in cupcake moulds. I used silicon moulds which are very versatile,, can be used in oven as well as microwave. It can be also used to set jelly. You can also use small glass bowl.
  • Place them in microwave setting the power to medium for 5 mins. My microwave has power P2, P4, P6, P8, P10. I used power P6. Using medium power ensures cakes cook more evenly. Also I turned around the moulds to ensure uniform cooking.
  • Cakes appear moist after they are done, but let them be in microwave for 2 mins and they will dry out. You need to insert toothpick in the centre to check if they are all cooked.
  • I then whipped some cream and added some sprinkles and kiwi fruit before letting Neil enjoy butchering them.


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